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복합학 > 학제간연구미스 나바호 네이션을 통해서 바라본 아메리카 인디언 여성성 연구

미국학(American Studies)
서울대학교 미국학연구소
The Navajo Nation has held Miss Navajo Nation pageant “to exemplify the essence of White Shell Woman” and to select those who will become “the Goodwill Ambassador.” The contestants show their capacities: making fire, cooking traditional food, telling Navajo stories, and performing ceremonies. The highlights of the contest are to display the sheep butchering and the fluency of the Navajo language. It is Navajo woman’s indigenous rights to handle the sheep so that the sheep butchering is indispensable for examining Navajo womanhood. The Navajo language test is also important since the Navajo people have been forced to speak English only at Indian boarding schools. In spite of a Navajo feminist historian Jennifer Denetdale’s criticism that the pageant will limit Navajo women within the arena of “Victorian ideals of purity, chastity, and domesticity,” Navajo people expect the contest will contribute to overcoming colonialism and sexism and connecting reservations with outer worlds.
서울시 용산구 한강대로 100, 16층 아모레퍼시픽재단 사무국 © AMOREPACIFIC Corporation. All Rights Reserved.